Gabriella and Mario Zuccarello, MD, Award for Cerebrovascular Research
The Gabriella and Mario Zuccarello, MD, Award for Skull Base Research is an annual award intended to spur cranial research by neurosurgical residents at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
The award provides a $2,000 prize each spring to a resident who has proposed and completed the most compelling research project during the academic year.
This research may include basic science research, translational research, and direct application of investigative studies (e.g. clinical trials, clinical observations, chart and literature reviews) for improvement, and understanding and/or management of patient care, including the introduction of new innovative surgical techniques and technology. The clinical studies may be prospective or retrospective. Case studies fall within the scope of this award, especially if they are “ground breaking”.
Awardees/Research Project
2017: Christopher Carroll, MD “Porcine Model of Sulcal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Induction of Cortical Spreading Depolarizations and Early Cortical Ischemia”
2020: Bryan Krueger, MD "Endoscopic Endonasal Occipitocervical Fusion: Cadaveric Feasibility And Biomechanical Study"
2022: Mark Johnson, MD "An algorithm to improve lateralization accuracy of inferior petrosal sinus sampling: procedural nuances for complex patterns of venous drainage. Patient Series."
2023: Mark Johnson, MD "Complex Morphological Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysms Through the Novel Use of Fractal Dimension as a Predictor of Rupture Status: A Proof of Concept Study"
Jonathan A. Forbes, MD
Neurosurgery Residency Director
Kerry Crone, MD
Neurosurgery Residency Associate Director
Neurosurgery Residency Manager
Phone: 513-558-3903
Fax: 513-558-3335
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231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670769
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0515
Mailing Address
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery
PO Box 670515
Cincinnati Ohio 45267-0515