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The Environmental and Occupational Hygiene division faculty maintain nationally and internationally recognized research programs in the broad areas of anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of workplace and environmental exposures. Specific research programs are devoted to the techniques for sampling chemical and biological aerosols, relationships between exposures and internal markers of effect, relationship between exposure and such chronic diseases as silicosis and lung cancer, occupational ergonomics, biomechanics, safety, relationship between workplace physical/chemical risk factors and workers’ neuromuscular performance, historic and current exposure assessment, characterization of lead exposures, environmental intervention studies, and effect of neurotoxic chemicals on neurobehavioral performance. M.S. and Ph.D. students all conduct independent research which advances their particular field of interest.
Graduate study is supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research training grant and by University and other sources. The Powell/Cohrssen Occupational Hygiene Scholarship is awarded annually to a second year M.S. candidate. The Division also collaborates with the Masters program in Industrial Hygiene and Safety at the Sardar Patel University in Gujarat, India.
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The Environmental Genetics & Molecular Toxicology (EGMT) Graduate Program offers exciting training in cutting edge research to prepare for a career in academia, industry or government. The curriculum emphasizes genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying environmentally-related diseases. All doctoral graduate students are given a stipend, and are encouraged to be independent scholars, seeking fellowships and awards.
Faculty in the EGMT Division use a wide range of approaches to elucidate the mechanisms that control cellular and molecular processes relevant to environmentally induced diseases. Areas of emphasis include genetic and environmental determinants of individual susceptibility to carcinogenesis, diabetes, aging, and target tissue toxicity (e.g., neuronal, renal and pulmonary). Mechanisms include signal transduction, gene regulation, biotransformation, oxidative stress and epigenetics. Methodologies include transgenic and recombinant inbred rodent models, quantitative trait loci analysis, genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics and metabolomics.
The goals of the epidemiologist are to identify the factors or agents that are linked with objectively measured patterns of harm; to advance and evaluate methods of disease prevention; and to aid in planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of programs that advance public health.
The results of epidemiological research have had a great influence on clinical medicine. Current faculty research undertaken in the Division is wide ranging and includes health effects related to exposures to lead, arsenic, manganese, mercury, solvents, fuels, pesticides, organochlorines and other persistent organic pollutants, fibers, radiation, nutritional and lifestyle factors, alcohol and illicit drugs, and work-related ergonomic disorders. The health outcomes being studied include: allergy, asthma, reproductive, hormone, many types of cancer, genetics of complex diseases, growth and development, neurological and psychiatric disorders, pulmonary disease, injuries, stroke, heart disease, bone health, mortality and exposure body burden.
The Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is multi-disciplinary in character and its faculty members have frequent interactions with other divisions within the Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences as well as with other Clinical Departments in the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. Extensive use is made of regional and national volunteer faculty with expertise in occupational health.
The Occupational Medicine Residency Training Program at the University of Cincinnati is the oldest continuously operating Occupational Medicine residency in the United States. In most years two to four residents graduate from the program. These residents go on to accept positions at other academic institutions, within industrial settings, or within the local, state or federal agencies. The residency training program is largely funded by an Education and Research Training Grant awarded to the University of Cincinnati by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Housed at one of the nation’s premier urban institutions of higher education, the University of Cincinnati offers an accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) degree through its department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences with collaborations throughout the College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. This degree granting program offers concentrations in biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental public health, occupational public health, health services management and health education.
The University of Cincinnati’s MPH Program offers robust training in the classroom and the field and gives students experience in policy and research opportunities.
The division of Public Health Sciences also offers a dual MD-MPH degree program to prepare graduates to work as physicians in a public health setting, combining a degree in clinical care with a degree in approaching health and illness at the population level
Department of Environmental & Public Health SciencesKettering Lab Building160 Panzeca WayCincinnati, OH 45267-0056Mail Location: 0056Phone: 513-558-5701