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How to Give

The physicians and researchers in the UC Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine are committed to the highest standards of patient care, research and education.

We invite you to help advance this mission by making a tax-deductible contribution. Donations are an important source of funding for our education and research missions. Your support in any amount is greatly appreciated. 

If you have any questions, please contact:

Emma Laverty
Associate Vice President of Development

Private support is essential to the growth and continued success of the college. While it is not possible to list all of the current needs, the following is a list of funding priorities for the department. Please include your designated areas in the “comments” section of the online giving page.

Disease-Based Funds

ALS Research
Supports research and education of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Alzheimer’s Disease Center Fund
The Alzheimer's Research Center is devoted to conducting research to identify the causes of Alzheimer’s disease as well as improve treatment for patients with Alzheimer’s.

Endowed Chair in Alzheimer’s
Faculty support for the research and education of Alzheimer’s disease.

Center for the Diseases of the Nerves and Muscles Fund
The goal of this fund is to provide support for the basic and clinical research of the center.

UC Epilepsy Center Fund
The UC Epilepsy Center provides sophisticated research, evaluation, and coordinated medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy. A highlight is that the center’s seven-bed Epilepsy Monitoring Unit is the only one of its kind in southwestern Ohio.

Gardner Family Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders
The UC Gardner Family Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute treats more than 2,000 patients annually and conducts numerous laboratory and clinical research projects. It was named the first national Davis Phinney Research Center—a collaboration among universities to promote sharing of laboratory and clinical research data related to Parkinson’s disease. 

Parkinson Research Fund
Specifically supports Parkinson’s disease research.

PM&R Rehabilitation Research and Community Service Fund
These funds will support and promote new research by PM&R faculty as well provide support for programs and initiatives to serve our community and elevate the quality of rehabilitation in the region.

Schottenstein Harris Laboratory Fund
Provides assistance for maintaining the Selma Schottenstein Harris lab for research in Parkinson’s disease.

Stroke Research Fund
Specifically supports stroke research.

UC Stroke Team Fund
The University of Cincinnati is a leading center in the battle against stroke. The UC Stroke Team has made major contributions to the areas of stroke treatment, prevention and epidemiology. It is on 24/7 stroke call for all Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky hospital emergency rooms.

UC Comprehensive Disease Center Fund
The University of Cincinnati is a leading center in the battle against stroke. The UC Stroke Team has made major contributions to the areas of stroke treatment, prevention and epidemiology. Current investigations also include studies in the roles of genetics and molecular biology in stroke.

UC Waddell Center for Multiple Sclerosis Fund
UC Waddell Center is a comprehensive and rapidly developing center that focuses on multiple sclerosis (MS) in the Greater Cincinnati area. It is a joint effort that includes the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute and a community group of MS patients and relatives of patients who found a need for such a facility in the region. 

General Funds

College of Medicine Neurology Fund
Supports the general research and education purposes in the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine. 

Education Funds

Fred Samaha Education Fund
Goals of the fund are to maintain the visiting professors program, provide a research incentive program for our residents and maintain a current neuroscience library for faculty, residents and fellows.

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Contact Us

Department of
Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine

Stetson Building Suite 2300
260 Stetson Street
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0525

Mail Location: 0525
Academic Phone: 513-558-2968
Academic Fax: 513-558-4887
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Clinic Phone: 513-475-8730
Clinic Fax: 513-475-8033