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Smucker DR, Regan S, Elder NE, Gerrety E 2013. Patient safety incidents in home hospice care: The experiences of hospice interdisciplinary team members Journal of Palliative Medicine, ,
Smucker DR 2012. Ending hand feeding of patients with advanced cognitive decline: What is "doing the right thing" (commentary on article "Doing the Right Thing" by Karl Singer, MD and Patrick Cleary, MD) Annals of Long-Term Care, 20(6):41-2 ,
Diers T, Montauk SL, Vaughn LM, Lehmann C, Kiesler J, Schubert CJ, Smucker D, Volck B 2009. Competencies for the adaptable physician: Training residents to care for vulnerable populations The Open Medical Education Journal, 2:26-25 ,
Ludke RL, Smucker DR 2007. Racial differences in the willingness to use hospice services Journal of Palliative Medicine, 10 6, 1329-37
Curlin FA, Serrano KD, Baker MG, Carricaburu SL, Smucker DR, Chin MH 2006. Following the call: how providers make sense of their decisions to work in faith-based and secular urban community health centers Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17 4, 944-57
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Smucker DR, Zink T, Susman JL, Crabtree BF 2001. A framework for understanding visits by frequent attenders in family practice The Journal of Family Practice, 50 10, 847-52
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Diller PM, Smucker DR, David B 1999. Co-management of patients with congestive heart failure by family physicians and cardiologists: frequency, timing, and patient characteristics The Journal of Family Practice, 48 3, 188-95
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Smucker DR, Konrad TR, Curtis P, Carey TS 1998. Practitioner self-confidence and patient outcomes in acute low back pain Archives of Family Medicine, 7 3, 223-8
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Smucker DR, Burket MW 1988. Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction American Family Physician, 37 5, 265-74
Zilkoski MW, Smucker DR, Mayhew,HE 1988. Urinary tract infections in elderly patients Postgraduate medicine, 84 3, 191-4, 197-8, 201-6
Smucker DR, Zilkoski M, Mayhew HE 1986. The homeless Ohio Family Physician News, Nov, 1986 pp. 20-21 ,